All posts by Administrator
It’s Holiday Party Time
Chicago Artists Month 2014
Fun For Filament
Gateway Mural – North
This Gateway Mural is designed by Jill Arena to highlight the businesses and attractions in the Six Corners area. OIPA and Six Corners Association pooled their resources to fund the mural and students in C. Deaton’s class at UIC came to help out for community involvement credit. Painted by Cyd Smillie, the bad weather came … Continue reading Gateway Mural – North
Mentoring North Mayfair
After Vivaldi Mural – South
Forest Glen Community Club raised funds and posted a call for submissions. Arts Alive Chicago artist, Cyd Smillie, designed a mural in two parts that fills the underpass on both sides of Elston. Titled “After Vivaldi” because it uses symbolic and realistic language to depict the four seasons and the flora and fauna of Forest … Continue reading After Vivaldi Mural – South
NVAM/AAC Bike Ride Art
Arts Alive Chicago partnered with the National Veterans Art Museum to sponsor an Art Tour/Bike Ride. Lee Diamond of Velo Chicago led the way highlighting artwork and history along the route. Arts Alive Chicago invited area artists to paint panels for the cooling tents –one of which was raffled off to the lucky winner. The … Continue reading NVAM/AAC Bike Ride Art
NWBC Mural
Business School students were invited to contribute ideas to highlight their break room mural designed and painted by Arts Alive Chicago artist, Cyd Smillie. “Unlock Your Potential” is the motto of the school and when completed the lyrics to a rap song written by two of the students are painted along the lower edge. The … Continue reading NWBC Mural
Crosscuts Mural
After the completion of the Rafael Lopez mural on Addison at Avondale OIPA was eager to have the north wall also beautifully appointed. Artist Tony Sparrow answered the call from OIPA president Anna Sobor to design a mural based on the paper cutting arts of Poland and central America. The Polish community of artists particularly … Continue reading Crosscuts Mural